
so last post and notif from me promise!
          	-do u guys think i should update my books??? or like recreate it or something i have so much planned and idk what to do but a word from you guys would surely help!
          	-i REGRET not going back to wattpad as soon as summer started because now it's less than 2 weeks 'til school and i'm really sorry to anyone i kept hanging or if i never replied to ur messages i just really have doubts about going back and some other stuff but i'm happy to say that i'll be back! i thought that it would be a waste if i don't continue to do what i love with this platform in here i created (hope u guys remember me tho) 
          	okay that's the last, i hope y'all and if ever you did spare a minute or 2 of ur time to read this thank you!


so last post and notif from me promise!
          -do u guys think i should update my books??? or like recreate it or something i have so much planned and idk what to do but a word from you guys would surely help!
          -i REGRET not going back to wattpad as soon as summer started because now it's less than 2 weeks 'til school and i'm really sorry to anyone i kept hanging or if i never replied to ur messages i just really have doubts about going back and some other stuff but i'm happy to say that i'll be back! i thought that it would be a waste if i don't continue to do what i love with this platform in here i created (hope u guys remember me tho) 
          okay that's the last, i hope y'all and if ever you did spare a minute or 2 of ur time to read this thank you!


--- oh and to follow that last message, do you guys think i should make graphics again? i really miss mdc but i'm kind of scared to go back especially of the (probably) large amount of new people who joined and i just feel that it wouldn't be the same so HELLOOO TO ALL THE FRIENDS I MET IN MDC hmu guys if u need people working for ur thread i'd love to do that sm!!!