@radioactivechicken_ ooh.. yeah binders can be tricky-
So what I do to bind (it’s aight at it’s job, but layering clothes n stuff will help ofc) is I grab a cami, or some kind of tank top if you don’t have one, fold it in half, and I later 2-3 sports bras.
And if you don’t like that, uhh I’m sry I got nothing else bc I don’t have any kind of tape to bind :/
Also- I’ll like a few videos to make a binder, and a site that can give you a binder for free:)
Video- https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8uHl1PlEnM8&pp=ygUUSG93IHRvIG1ha2UgYSBiaW5kZXI%3D
Site- https://www.pointofpride.org/free-chest-binders
TIPS- im sure you’ve heard this so many times before, but seriously- TAKE BINDING BREAKS. Do it.
2- if it feels like you can’t breathe to the point of suffocation, take it off or take one of the sports bras off.
3- you could ask a family member to go shopping for a sports bra, and you could get one size down than you usually get, but I don’t recommend this one as much, bc it can rlly vary.
But if it feels nice, then go for it. And don’t wear it for longer than 6-8 hrs.
Also, I recommend Iris Olympia on yt for binding tips, they have rlly good advice:)
Sorry that was a lot lol, but I hope I’ve helped in some way