We know how happy it makes us to write a novel and how sad it is that nobody reads us, that is why Arrowy was born; a generator of written and audiovisual media dedicated to Wattpad whose mission is to publicize and promote the writings of its users, surpassing the language and distance barrier.

We have among our services; covers, mock-ups, interviews, radio promotions, audiobooks, reviews, book trailers, banners, translations and our greatest pride; Radio Arrowy.

Every day, from 4 to 6 pm, we read five paragraphs of your story and share your profile on our radio to be heard by other writers like you.

We read your novels live!

Visit our online Radio: https://www.mixlr.com/arrowy/
  • Lima, Peru
  • JoinedFebruary 3, 2018

Story by Editorial Arrowy Eng
RADIO ARROWY - Reading your stories LIVE by radioarrowy
RADIO ARROWY - Reading your storie...
FIRST ONLINE RADIO DEDICATED TO WATTPAD Tune into Radio Arrowy and promote your story among our listeners. Ra...