
HOWDY! Did something very vulnerable and published a collection of poetry and journal entries that I've kept to myself since I was 17 years old. Therse's a lot in there. Good, Ugly, selfishness, pain, but mostly how God has worked in my life over the years. It was a bold step of faith for me to publish but I pray it blesses someone and helps someone out there feel less alone. You're not crazy, you just feel deeply. God sees you. A Book I'll Never release is out now. :)


HOWDY! Did something very vulnerable and published a collection of poetry and journal entries that I've kept to myself since I was 17 years old. Therse's a lot in there. Good, Ugly, selfishness, pain, but mostly how God has worked in my life over the years. It was a bold step of faith for me to publish but I pray it blesses someone and helps someone out there feel less alone. You're not crazy, you just feel deeply. God sees you. A Book I'll Never release is out now. :)


Considering it's almost been a year  and considering the busy lifestyle i have, I have decided to write something new. Nearly a year ago I released the tittle for the book I was writing but I never had true inspiration for it. With recent events that have happened in the last couple of months, Is There Somewhere calling me again. Expect updates every Saturday... ALL THE LOVE - Painted