
just went through Play It Right, and i have adored that book - it might be because i am turkish. i am so excited for the next update, can’t wait for it. by the way i am not usually writing here but felt like this book needed more attention. 


are you gone mia again? gonna be so real with you i find it ridiculous that you post a bunch of updates for a few weeks and then go completely dark out of the blue for weeks and i’m pretty sure this is the second time it’s happened…i know people how lives outside of wattpad i myself have one but honestly you’re either in or out and this going back and forth is getting annoying ‍♀️ i know im gonna get absolutely annihilated for saying this but i needed to get it off my chest 


@aarthurmorgan The audacity is strong with this one. This is one of those opinions best kept to yourself. Us authors have lives, and unpredictable things can happen out of the blue that can make us dip for several weeks or months.


@aarthurmorgan can i ask why you feel entitled to say that when you don’t pay a single dime to read her books? i will never understand the audacity of some people when writing isn’t this author’s job.  if you cannot pick up other hobbies besides waiting on this author 24/7 then you need to expand your horizons.


@aarthurmorgan one thing I agree with you is that she has a life outside of Wattpad, if your tired then you should just unfollow and find other authors to enjoy, Rad has dealt with readers harassing her over inconsistent updates and it would be best if people just quietly left her alone, Rad doesn’t get paid by Wattpad to write this is a hobby.


Private Dancer will be a short limited story (approx. 10 chapters total - I hope you all enjoy this quick read, I will be releasing cheaters as the day goes on)


Yesss I would love for you to do limited series like this it’s easier that way, especially if your too busy to write a book with 30+ chapters coming out with a novella with 10-15 chapter book would be great. 


Please make it longer