
Queen Humbled, Rags to Bloody Riches, and Demon in Las Vegas will be under going quite a bit of editing as I am not at all satisfied with any of them. It will be a long process; some stories may be unpublished and republished under a different title.
          	Nothing is set in stone, however I felt it would be best to make an announcement to my one follower. 
          	Thank you so much.


Queen Humbled, Rags to Bloody Riches, and Demon in Las Vegas will be under going quite a bit of editing as I am not at all satisfied with any of them. It will be a long process; some stories may be unpublished and republished under a different title.
          Nothing is set in stone, however I felt it would be best to make an announcement to my one follower. 
          Thank you so much.


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Lol so I'm gonna be honest here, I don't write unless I feel Like it or I'm motivated. 
          Also I'm dealing with a lot of school shit (as a senior i n high school the pressure is on) and none of my devices work well for typing anymore. It's all slow as hel l and I'm furious. 
          Anyway yeah if you like my books please let me know and it'll help motivate me to write more :)) thanks


As of Wednesday May 17, 2017 I won't have my iPad anymore. It autocorrects for me and since I'll lose it, my grammar might suffer a bit more. I'll keep writing so don't worry about it, the efficiency will just downgrade a little. Please understand and keep reading, thank you