
my car got hit by another car and that's kinda cool. it wasn't cool when it happened tho, i cried like manic yesterday >:(


❗long message ahead, please bare wit me ❗
          oh my god. i finally found someone who have read korehao's stories.... when she deleted her books and account, i wasn't active back then ;-; that's why i was excited when i downloaded wattpad again but i can't find her account. my reading list of her books was empty. 
          so i really want to ask,,, do you know why she deleted her account and her books? i was so shocked about it. and i can't even ask anyone. i dont know any of her other socials too. 
          gosh this is kinda weird since it's been like 2 years since she deleted that book, and i just finally found someone who read her books so i was excited. 
          i really want to know what happened to her. i read all her books. and they were all divine. i miss her cafe lee series :<<< and she was just starting pleda back then too, but i know a lot of dumb people were being rude to her when she was writing it. her dystopian story was so good too, tho it left me broken. and her book that was inspired by the purge. and of course carata. 
          i really loved her books since all of it were seventeen ships. and my ships were all sailing. aaaaaa 
          i hope u read this!!! im sorry for the long message. i got carried away


@raeluv_ oh– well that made me sad haha :^( thank you for telling me tho ^^ was wondering for almost two years why she suddenly went away °^° now i know. kinda sad she deleted her books, but she has all the rights, since it was hers. but i cant find anything like her books. she will always be my favorite svt fanfic writer :))
            p.s. my fave were junhao's and jeongcheol/seoksoo's book ;-; verkwan's the cutest tho ✨


@_ezreht ohyes, hii. sorry for the late reply. i honestly have no idea why she deleted her acc because i was also away for exams when the whole situastion happened. however, i heard that she wanted to take a break from wattpad and writing stuff. also, she has stopped with all the shipping idols and stuff too. 
            i was also a bit surprised when she suddenly vanished from wattpad.
            p.s : i miss the cafe lee series too :(( especially verkwan's 


now i know why i don't hate him :) 
          i've been there, was accused of doing something i didn't do, them being obsessed of me and trying to make others hate me too :) 
          i honestly don't understand the concept 'haters' like you hate the person, okay, then why are you stalking them, trying to find their faults, trying to humiliate them, trying to make others hate them too?
          if i hate someone, i won't waste my time with stalking them. i would just ignore their existence so honestly y'all are sick. 
          you have no idea how hard it was for the victim to try to move on and live their live! try to pick up their confidence again. it's really messed up okay.
          it took me a year to gain back my confidence, be happy and be myself again. it's easy to forgive but it's hard to forget. and i can't forget even though i already forgave them.