
I have a dilemma so my friend recently told me about a guy she likes but she doesn't know i like him and when she asked who i liked i was embarrassed and just said another boy in the the schools name.  now i think the boy we both like likes me but i don't wanna be a shitty friend HELP!


tell the truth. That’s the only way this is gonna end well xD also, a good friend would understand and not put herself between you two unless she’s reeeaally into him, like in love with him then it’s up to you but she shouldn’t “forbid” you to see him yk 


I have a dilemma so my friend recently told me about a guy she likes but she doesn't know i like him and when she asked who i liked i was embarrassed and just said another boy in the the schools name.  now i think the boy we both like likes me but i don't wanna be a shitty friend HELP!


tell the truth. That’s the only way this is gonna end well xD also, a good friend would understand and not put herself between you two unless she’s reeeaally into him, like in love with him then it’s up to you but she shouldn’t “forbid” you to see him yk 