
You’ll have to stop the world just to stop the feeling


Guess who just got diagnosed with Autism???
          This guy !!


@rain_55 WELCOME TO THE NERODIVERCE FAMILY!!!!!! Cookies over there!!!
            You're worth it and we believe in you!!!! <3


@rain_55 I never knew english was this complex-
            How do you even say that!?


Things I’ve learned about Ren by watching Scar’s latest stream:
          - he went to a religious boarding school
          - he and his friend were sent to religious rehabilitation because his card game included demons
          -his parents were a part of an orchestra 
          - he used to play the cello, but he switched to guitar to get the girls
          - his dad died when he was 6
          -he only has one memory of his dad, and that was when his dad saved him from drowning at the age of 1
          I am learning so much from this stream lol


@rain_55 Holy-
            I only knew about the 3rd one


Hi, my name is Lyn. I am a teenager. My favorite color is green. Nothing here really matters, so just live your life.
          I’m a theatre kid but I can’t sing, I am a coxswain for my varsity rowing team, and I live in America.
          I know 4 languages. I have two siblings. I’m a huge nerd. I like girls. I don’t know who I am.
          I am perfectly normal. Everyone else is experiencing their own life.
          I like to read books, I like to play games, I want to be a kid again but I know I’m the youngest I’ll ever be. I’m in the reminiscence bump, but I can only remember when I was little. I miss my sister. I have a sister. It is the middle of the night.
          We all do this, there are millions of people like me.
          But it’s nice to meet you.


@rain_55 So nice to meet you Lyn! Can't wait to talk to you more!!


            Nice to meet you, Lyn! :D


@rain_55 Nice to meet you, Lyn! You seem like a great person to be around 


Yall if you like kids shows (or shows that are marketed at kids) go watch Mech Cadets 
          Im in high school and def not the target audience but this show is so good it came out this month and we need to build the fandom lol


@_abby042588 ikr its actually pretty good


@rain_55 i just started college but thar show looks sick omfg


3 year anniversary since joining Wattpad.
          I would like to rejoin this community, but I should start by being more truthful.
          Moss, Fern, and Forest were personas created by me and my siblings during the pandemic. We didn’t feel comfortable being ourselves, so we invented characters to play as. As time went on, we became more obsessed with these personas to the point that we couldn’t separate ourselves from them. 
          Who you knew as Fern, was my sister Amalia. She passed away after a dare go on the roof, and ending up falling to her death. This could have been prevented if we weren’t thinking about how we would post about it, or how “fern” would be so scared to go up there. We lost her because of a stupid joke we made when we were young. 
          For her sake, and for mine as well, I want to drop these personas, and try to be an actual person.
          I’m still figuring out how to drop this mask, so for the meantime, rain works fine as a name while I debate whether to use my real one or a nickname. 
          Thank you all, and I hope that you can accept me <3


@rain_55 I'm so so sorry for your loss, I wish you all the best, I'll be here to help if you need it! <33


this message may be offensive
@rain_55 still sorta crazy to think that fern is dead bcuz like i TALKED with them and it's sorta unreal to believe that that person is just gone forever :P they were the very first person to actually reach out to me and try to understand me through all the chaos lol- so they were one of the only people in hermittpad I never hated eh it doesn't even matter anymore cuz hermittpad is dead and I left I just check up on it once in a while just to see if it's taken its final breath but nope! not yet! i can hear the death rattle tho this community is done for LOL so yeah idk people hate me and I hate myself bcuz the shit I did was bad but I don't really care cuz in the end I won anyway cuz I got away from this shit hole threw up a middle finger and moved to a community that's not a toxic positivity hell hole where faking DID and other shit is the norm and where there aren't creepy fujoshis around every corner (AHEM thathermitweird who is a cishet woman who wanted to write mlm smut and said that you can be bigoted towards straight people lol) istg everyone in this community is beyond delulu so idk hope the delulu narcs get help and stop being such unlikeable pieces of dog shit and yeah :P
            last message in hermittpad from me? who knows! anywho bai ig - WaryRGMCA aka the most hated bitch in hermittpad <333333


@rain_55 We’re always gonna be here for you if you need it. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you