I like The Persona games and The Dragon Age ones. If you can't tell I like RPG's and what not.
I love wolfs and cats
I consider Rage to be my brother, Im 15.
People say I'm a Fem Rage.
I am the person that if you were gonna jump of a building Id convince you not to, if you are a friend, otherwise me and Shay would likely shout "Do it"
I have Brown hair, now dyed to a blondish green because the pool ruined it, and Green eyes.
my name is Reinie but most people call me Sky.
I love the color purple.
Me and @ShayTDHF are the group, with some other people. We own a tea shop, we sell tea and Muffins.
We decided that we'd tack over the world, then merge with the crew and then we'd concur the universe
Natural Hair:
lightish dark brown
it was supposed to be blue but the school's pool has to much chlorine and maid it fade and turn green, so now its a blue-green-blond
Greenish blue (I where glasses)
looks: http://www.polyvore.com/things_ware/set?id=156918525
Don't Question it
Favorite Color:
Favorite Games:
LOZ (All), Dragon Age: Origens, Dragon Age II, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Persona 3, Persona 4 Golden, Persona Q
Faces I use/made:

We are all human.
We all bleed.
We all struggle.
We all make mistakes.
We all fall down.
We all lose friends
We all lose hope.
We all have hate.
We need more acceptance.
We need more love. ♥
We need more support.
We can get back up when we fall down.
Its okay to ask for help.
I'll be here if you ever need it.

► тʜɛ ʟɑuɢʜтɛʀ

▌▌ тʜɛ ოɛოɵʀɪɛʂ

█▌ тʜɛ pɑɪɴ

◄◄ тʜɛ ʜɑppɪɴɛʂʂ
  • CA
  • Дата регистрацииNovember 26, 2013

Истории от Sky
Head canons от rainaynaybanaynay
Head canons
These are a collection of my head cannons
The Battle for Pudden от rainaynaybanaynay
The Battle for Pudden
I don't know what the hell I have wrought but who will win Okosan's heart? Nex or Don?
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