To whom it may concern,
I'm really really really really trying to update Ours, but I've got a lot of stuff going on from State testing to concerts to homework and grades to still trying to stay in good health. So I understand that I have a responsibility to update this story, but I just can't keep it all in check. I'm trying to finish the chapter I have, I think I'm almost done if not halfway through. So that should be out soon. What I'm trying to say though is to please please please please please stay patient with me. I know I take a long time to update and being patient with me is like waiting for paint to dry, but if you can stay patient with me like you have so far, I would be eternally grateful. I understand if you can't, and I thank you all for reading my story regardless of the patience you may or may not have with me. Thank you.
Sincerely, Rainbow