
Finally updated "That Cute Newsie with Glasses. Sorry that I don't update when I say i will I've been job hunting for 2 yrs now and still now luck. It's kind of ruined my creativity. Anyway I hope you're all doing well


Happy New Years friends. I am slowly working on several stories including The Cute Newsie with Glasses and Cancer, the Living Hell. I have been struggling with writers block for Alruna's story so that's on hold. I am currently taking notes on a new story idea just to see where it goes. That's it from me sparrow out :) Love u all so much!


hi friends i'm slowly working on the next chapters of The Cute Newsie with Glasses and Cancer, the Living Hell.  I hope you are all doing well. can't believe i turned another year older 2 weeks ago. I've been juggling writing along with many other things. love you all and hope you have a wonderful day/night.


slowly working on the next chapter of The cute Newsie with glasses my laptop broke so i've been using my gaming computer for everything.  I keep erasing the chapter since I think it sucks would anyone like to read a sample plz to see what you all think before I post it


so proud of how far my cousin and his band have come since middle school their latest parody got comments back from Monique Coleman, Lucas Gabriel,  and Corbin Bleu. They've come so far. (look up sub-radio high school musical) on youtube and you'll find their video. (not trying to self-promote) but i am so damn proud of mu cousin!


Added Specs POV for chapter one of "That cute Newsie with glasses and also added Character photos so you can see who I'm visualizing for my OCs. Happy Pride Month friends this is my 2nd year feeling safe knowing my family supports me knowing that I'm Demisexual. (sorry not trying to brag to anyone)


struggling to come up with chapter 2 ideas hm...


good morning my friends I'm thinking of posting the prologue to my Newsies fan fic idk if it's any good though. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Sorry for being so negative lately. I've just been so stressed from life sometimes I just want to scream.  :(