
Hey guys. I will probably most certainly be offline for a bit just because I’m getting out of my home and going to boarding school. I have to delete Wattpad off of my phone but I still have it on my computer. Also I met Lin Manuel Miranda and he’d asked me what I was planning on doing at boarding school there so I told him and he smiled and was super nice and said that was fantastic and I should do Yee. 


Heyaa!! So, I’m going directly to the point, are u going to continue your chansaw fanfic?


Oh, alright. No prob-bob! 


@slushie_addiction Probably not, sorry lovey. I know it isn't fantastic, but it was quite demanding of me at the time I started writing the fic, and afterwards I lost my inspo.


Hey guys. I will probably most certainly be offline for a bit just because I’m getting out of my home and going to boarding school. I have to delete Wattpad off of my phone but I still have it on my computer. Also I met Lin Manuel Miranda and he’d asked me what I was planning on doing at boarding school there so I told him and he smiled and was super nice and said that was fantastic and I should do Yee. 


Y'ALL I'M BORED AND DEPRESSED AF... Please someone talk to me?


Lmao same let’s talk 


"Alexander Hamilton. My name is Alexander Hamilton. There's a million things I haven't done- but John Laurens ain't one"
          - Lin backstage at some point probably


stole that from someone lol


this message may be offensive
Hi y'all It's your loser author person here, who can't write for shit, and hasn't updated bc (did I mention) she's a huge fucking loser? Anyone wanna rp? I mostly get inspo from that. If not, its chill. Baiiiii


@PeggyIsAFluffball I would say yes, but ehhhhh.