
@Shadow_traveller2000 wow...I've never been recommended before - that's amazing :) thank you so much for reading my story, I really appreciate it!


@RaeRivers Your very welcome :) i loved the story, so why wouldn't I vote and comment on it? Haha it was great :) I need to find out what happens to Archer and Sienna's relationship so I am DEFINITELY going to enter this competition of yours!! But I have one question: Are you allowed to enter more than once?


Thank you!  Sorry for my late reply, I wasn't online much over the weekend.  I'm assuming you're the Taylor that left that awesome comment on my publisher's site?  Thank you so much!  You're making me look fab to my editors ;)


Hi, Taylor.  Thanks for the votes and all the great comments for The Keepers: Sienna.  Hope you're enjoying!  I will be running a competition soon for a chance to win a copy of Archer, the book that follows Sienna, so keep an eye out for the details.  Thanks! Rae


Is your name really Taylor Raine? Sounds like something straight out of a book, it's beautiful :) Hope you carry on with Burning Fate, your writing style is great, so many people rush straight in without any pretence and it's really unbelievable to read, but you have a really great pace. That sounds like a weird comment probably aha but it's a great compliment I promise! :P x


@MidnightSpirit Yeah don't think anyone wants their whole name out there for the world to see haha I'm glad it did! x


Aw wow haha what an amazing comment :) to be truthfully honest, Taylor is my first name but Raine is my middle name, I didn't feel comfortable exposing my full name onto the world wide web so I thought that this would be more appropriate hehe but thank you! Your comment wasn't weird at all, I loved reading it and it brought a smile to my face :) x