
not too sure how many followers are reading my renegade nell book, but i wanted to let y'all know that I probably won't be able to post a new chapter until at least may 3rd or may 10th cause it finials time and most of my days consist of schoolwork rn unfortunately :/


Hey remember when I said I’d dedicate my winter break to write more for the Loki book? I regret to inform you I have not but might have started a Percy Jackson book instead…. The long time Percy series book stand took the win here oops lol


Not sure how many people who read my Loki series s2 book follow me but I want to post this here just in case: So as of rn I can say that there won’t be a new chapter published until at least a week from today. And after that there probably won’t be another until the first weekend of December maybe. I have a kinda big test coming up this week that will take me most of my time and then exams start so I unfortunately won’t have much time to write. Just wanted to let y’all know I haven’t gone completely awol lol


Not sure how many people who follow me are readers of my Loki Series Book 2, but I wanted to mention it somewhere that there might not be a chapter update until early next week :/ I’m in the middle of my first year of college so I haven’t had as much time to write as I would like so that’s why