I've been away for almost a month, haven't looked at my Wattpad account for almost two weeks, and when I do...
29K reads, 1.8K votes, 187 followers and 489 notifications...
You guys...you guys are the best. Seriously, I couldn't ask for better or more dedicated fangirls. I've been in a funk lately, swamped with schoolwork and pressure and a complete writer's block were my brain has completely died out on me, and you guys...you've really made my day-no, my whole WEEK- and thanks. Thanks so much. I'll try to update, but I don't want to make promises I can't keep :)
And I'm sorry if I haven't replied to any comments, but I want you to know I'VE READ THEM ALL AND THEY'RE ALL FUNNY AND SWEET AND SUPPORTIVE AND I LOVE YOU GUYS