
I will not abandon my book. I will definitely  come back.  (friendly reminder to self)


Hey, Rain. How are you? 


@sforstellar hii dear, first things firsttt how are Youuu???I was talking to diya the other day about you!! I hope you're well I really wanted to meet you and even more I wanted you to introduce you to someone I personally think you'd love~ you guys are too similar  also just so you know I really actually miss you, I know I din text first I know I don't text at all but I really do. and I hope we could meet not like putting pressure on you ar anything just saying it's what I wish. anyways I love winters, how about you?? 


Out of so many things I loved to do, writing was what had kept me alive...what had kept me waking up smiling and now the dreams associated with the world's I created have been snatched from me as well; I have given up on almost everything I loved and as much as I hate myself to the point indescribable, I am sorry for myself too. Now all I must don s live a lie in my own head and Living someone else's dream was so hard, I didn't know. I feel I have lost as a human.


@raingrdns hey, i am sorry to know that life has been treating you that way. kind of weird, but i totally get what you mean. been there, still there. i hope you find an eternal source of happiness in your life, something that you can hold on to when things are slipping away. most importantly, when you are slipping away. i can't come up with words to comfort tbh but i truly understand what you might be feeling right now. but nothing really last. this feeling, you won't remember feeling any of it once time heals. i hope the process is easier for you. take care of yourself. <3