
Happy monday! Hope everyone had a great weekend, and that this week will be good. Uploaded a new chapter of What it could have been yesterday! Had a few hectic days, so sorry for the wait


Hiiii! Sorry for bothering you. I and my writer friends are working on an amazing story. We hope to learn people’s opinion. I can see that you have fantastic taste in books so we very excited, but anxious to know what you would think about it. Can i send you some sample chapters?


hello babes! I’m so unsure how fast I should me posting new chapters for ℎ    … I’ve got 5 chapters ready, so I still got a lot left to write - but I also don’t want to post too slow. I want to keep my few readers happy, so it would help me out a lot if you could tell me how many days is a good pause between chapters! 


okay, thank u! i was thinking like three days myself, so that should work out


@thebaddiegrace I read this thing twice. Why is there still an error? T-T


@rainingramen1 One or two chapters a week is a great deal.
            For example, most people post on Fridays cause that's when most people start getting off work; it draws more audience. 
            Some post Friday and Sund/Monday. I'm some.
            While others just post randomly, either because they were off for some time and they want to make it up to their readers or they just don't an order to post their story.
            So if you were to ask me, I think two chapters a week is enough. It gives enough time to digest the chapter and surely, three days is not too long for your readers to wait for another.


i’m currently writing three books at the same time, what’s going on with me. I wrote Angel totally random because the story just came to me. And now I’ve three books in the writing, including The Coffee Meeeting. The two other books that I haven’t posted anything about yet will turn out pretty great I think. 
