@shimmeringtruffles 5 things I like about myself? HmMmMm.. 1. My weirdness and relatively crazy "bubbliness" (I mean everyone's weird or "unique" in some way it's just how u choose to accept it :) ly 2. I think I have friends..? Such a miracle thanks y'all AhHhH hOw Do YoU dEaL wItH mE tysm 3. My (hopefully) decent English cos with all you "gifted" people in a class with me my other grades compared to some of yours are just so meh (let's add in some pOsItIvItY and say that everyone has something that they're good at) 4. How I can talk for literally 2 hours straight (not sure if that's a good thing) 5. Sometimes I can make y'all (referring to my friends that I thankfully and hopefully have) laugh and that's nice :D There's a LOT of things I can point out that I don't like and aren't great about myself but here I'm just hoping that I'm a generally good person (whatever that means) and now it's time to add some cringey crêpe AKDKDKWKDNAN LOVE YOURSELF PEOPLE AKDJAJDJNSJD ono it's getting too weird ANYWAY I BLABBER TOO MUCH AND HOPEFULLY IF I EVER POST A STORY IT WON'T MAKE YOUR EYES BLEED THANKS FOR READING UP TILL HERE LY OK BYE