
[ amphichiral hearts. ]
          	sooooo hahaha, hello my flowers. i’ve been gone i know but hey, the epilogue is out now. for those who remember it, i decided to switch it up sooo…. ENJOY. 


Hey dear! It's been awhile. How have you been? 
          Just wanted to check on you and also I needed some help.
          As your reader, I have seen some nice book covers of yours and I love them so far.
          I just wanted to ask you a favor if you could make me one for a story that I have been plotting for years now.
          While also congrats on your  graduation. May you be blessed with more happy moments and success, dear.
          I hope you didn't forget about me though! ;)


@LeeYoung_Min those are my Instagram accounts but I'm officially online on zinbatol one.


@rainymoonyuri I am doing well dear. Yeah, you can text me on zinbatol or f00__.l and we can talk about the details. All credits goes to you dear. Thanks for helping out!


@LeeYoung_Min hey zai! i’ve been doing fine and how are you? of course i could make you covers. :) 
            and thank you love, i appreciate it. i’m realizing i can’t message anyone on here anymore so do you by any chance have instagram? so i can send them over to you? 


hello flowers, how are you guys doing?
          came by to say, i had officially graduated on may 16th! so your girl is DONE, well depending since there’s college but good news, i’ll be writing again now and update you guys with these stories that you love and more soon! i have taken some time to recharge myself but then when trying to write, got sick but i’m better now. i have missed you guys and writing so thank you for all the love and patients, look forward to updates. 
          have a wonderful day / night loves. <3 


congratulations gorgeous, looking forward for your updates. Take care. ❤️