
Hiya! I finally updated TSC, but it's a really short chapter (sorry). I hope everyone had a good summer, and is enjoying school so far if they've already started, or will enjoy school once they do start. Updating will be slow as usual, but I am trying.


Hi! I'm Jacey's crazy friend, in case you think I'm a stalker when I follow you. If you're wondering which friend (she has a lot of crazy friends), I'm the one that was a Slytherin that wanted to be a Gryffindor (and is truly a Gryffindor) at her b-day party. My Pottermore username is LightDraconis7748, so friend me on that too if you want. Wow this is a long message. Now it's longer. Ok I'll stop spamming you now. Bye.


Hiya! I finally updated TSC, but it's a really short chapter (sorry). I hope everyone had a good summer, and is enjoying school so far if they've already started, or will enjoy school once they do start. Updating will be slow as usual, but I am trying.


Still not updating. Shiny New Idea Syndrome strikes again! Anyways, I've had a good summer. I went to the Joffrey Ballet intensive, two Girl Scout camps, and I visited California where my grandparents live. On the topic of updating, I have renewed interest in No Turning Back now that I know where I am going, but as for The Seven Cores, that may not be updated for a little while. I am going to co write it with my sister, @Cheerio125, from now on. A Doctor Who fanfic is spinning in my mind, and I also have an original story idea that may happen. Pretty much, for these last few days of summer before I start school, I promise to try to write a lot. See you! (Or not.)


Sorry I haven't updated much, but I am busy writing stuff for school. However, TCAP will be starting in March, which means no homework, so I'll be able to update quite a bit then. Also, I am writing a poem for my school district's literary magazine, so I will be posting that in my new poetry book. Remember to recommend stuff to me. (And, if anyone needs a person to fangirl with about Doctor Who, I'm right here.) Last of all, I am writing an original story, that, once I get enough chapters written I will be posting. Look forward to that and have a great life.


Hey people! It's me again! I have finally decided to update NTB! I have also started a new poetry book! Do you like the cover? I made the notebook out of woven duck tape! Sorry if I'm a little hyper, I just ate three rolls with honey butter on them for breakfast! Happy reading!