
Place your hand over your heart. Can you feel it? That is called purpose. You're here  for a reason, so don't ever give up.


@random_thoughts_132 AYYY CHILD SAY IT LOUDER <333


@random_thoughts_132 I will not! I hate myself :)


@random_thoughts_132 i- I freaking love you- 


Thank you so much for following our account ❤️ We hope you find some usage from us!  Our main way of helping the community is through our five book clubs.  If you want a quick overview of them, you can find one in the Book Club Guide chapter of our book, Dreamland Community.  Clubs are a great way to gain new readers!  If you are in search of a community where you can talk and interact with other writers, you may be interested in our discord!  PM us for the link or find it in our bio   
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          - The Dreamland Team


今日は! This had been rather late, but thank you so much for expending the time and effort to follow this measly account of mine despite my constant inactivity! Your support is greatly appreciated. I hope you'll find scrolling through my works worthwhile, and I wish you best luck in your endeavors! ◡̈❤︎


Place your hand over your heart. Can you feel it? That is called purpose. You're here  for a reason, so don't ever give up.


@random_thoughts_132 AYYY CHILD SAY IT LOUDER <333


@random_thoughts_132 I will not! I hate myself :)


@random_thoughts_132 i- I freaking love you- 


this message may be offensive
“You would want to date me? You would want to date a fuck up. A-a piece of shit? A m-monster? A nobody? A selfish-?” A broken person once asked.
          “No, I want you, _insert name here_. Only you. You are those things, kind and caring. You’re my _prince/princess_. You’re a _boy/girl_ who’s broken. And I want to be the one to put the pieces back together. I want to be the one to hold you close. I want to be the one to love you. All those names you called yourself, none of them describe you. Not one of them do. The words that do describe you are selfless, not selfish. A piece of gold, not piece of shit. An angel, not a monster. A somebody, not a nobody. My life, not a low life. You got it? You’re my life, and when you die, I die. " A savior once replied.
          This is from "Hair Grease" chapter 24 by @CarmenKB. Some names are changed to keep it annonymous. I just want to put it on here for all you readers who believe that you are the things that the broken person said.


To all you American readers, Happy Thanksgiving!


@nobody_luvz_percyj I'm a thing that's broken because honestly I don't know what my pronouns are


Yeah I mean its technically the same thing


Thanks. Though, I like to call it “happy turkey killing day”


So this relates to Harry Potter, so if you are not a fan or haven't read the books yet, don't read.
          So if I saw an ant die or a pet die, would I be able to see thestrals?


Wait I didn’t mean cool but it’s to late lol


I mean probably that would be very cool honestly since they didn’t specify which death it has to be


 Yeah I think it would have to be a human who died


Theres a new way to earn coins instead of buying them. If u are on a phone, iPad or ipod, a computer/chromebook/tablet that can take videos, go to the profile or your account. Then press earn coins/get coins. It should be able to say (watch ad. Max 3 coins daily). It works better if u r on a phone/tablet/iPad or pod. You watch 3 ads for 3 coins each day. 
          Just thought I should let some of u know. 


DaLlY aNd JoHnNy DeSeRvEd JuStIcE


Literally within the first 4 or 5 chapters, people were spoiling it at my school :(


@DisasterPanPerson oh no. That was me and I would just be sitting there crying about dally and Johnny while the rest of the class was like, "Why are you crying? They are only going to the park and taking a walk." *sigh* if only it was that simple