
✨ Gentle reminder that,✨ 
          ✨ Percy would want you to drink water✨ 
          ✨ Annabeth would want you to stay safe✨ 
          ✨ Grover would want you to take care if yourself and the environment✨ 
          ✨ Jason would want you to ask for help if you can, when you need it ✨ 
          ✨ Piper would want you to love yourself✨ 
          ✨ Hazel would want you to be happy✨ 
          ✨ Frank would want you to be unharmed✨ 
          ✨ Nico would want you to stay alive✨ 
          ✨ And Reyna would want you to stay strong✨ 
          Send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans in 20 minutes after you finish reading this!
          If you get 3 or more back, those people who sent them back to you, care for you and want you to stay safe.
          If you don't send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans in 20 minutes, then the gods will punish you for a year, with no way out.
          This was not my idea I just copied and pasted it cuz it says to share it.



✨ Gentle reminder that,✨ ✨ Percy would want you to drink water✨ ✨ Annabeth would want you to stay safe✨ ✨ Grover would want you to take care if yourself and the environment✨ ✨ Jason would want you to ask for help if you can, when you need it ✨ ✨ Piper would want you to love yourself✨ ✨ Hazel would want you to be happy✨ ✨ Frank would want you to be unharmed✨ ✨ Nico would want you to stay alive✨ ✨ And Reyna would want you to stay strong✨ Send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans in 20 minutes after you finish reading this! If you get 3 or more back, those people who sent them back to you, care for you and want you to stay safe. If you don't send this to 5 fellow Percy Jackson fans in 20 minutes, then the gods will punish you for a year, with no way out


I want you to know you're an amazing friend till death and forever.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          But I have a game for you.
          Once you read this letter, you must to send this to 25 people including me.
          If you get at least three back, you're LOVED!
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it.
          Tonight, right at (12:00 p.m.) the person you love will realize they love you.
          Then, at 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 pm, be ready for the shock of your life!
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          With love, send this to 15, if you don't,
          You will turn ugly in one year.
          A friend told me to do this, so pass it on.
          Tomorrow two boys/girls will ask me if they can have your number?
          Send this message to 15 nice people or bad luck starts for a whole year.
          This is not fake.
          Apparently, when you copy and paste this,
          You will have the best day of your life tomorrow!


Everyone, I need your help spreading a message. The world is cruel enough. In 2015 alone, 828,000 people committed suicide. Globally, more than 264,000 people suffer from depression. 7.3% of the World Population has anxiety. In 2015, one country alone had 164,000 people with autism. 20% of teenagers are bullied everyday. These statistics alone prove that the world, at times, is a not a kind place. People need to stop with the jokes. You have no idea how much it hurts, when people joke around about suicide, depression, anxiety and autism. The jokes and ‘hilarious’, unserious comments that go something like: Suicide ‘Ha. I wish I could die.’ ‘Go kill yourself.’ Depression ‘Urgh, I’m so depressed.’ ‘Why don’t depressed people make themselves happy again? Haha.’ Anxiety ‘Look at you- you’re so scared over a measly presentation; it’s not that difficult.’ ‘If you have anxiety, just stop being anxious.’ Autism ‘Hahahah I’m so autistic.’ Bullying ‘OooOOoo Stop bullying me.’ Suicide is not a joke. Depression is not something to laugh at. Anxiety is not attention-seeking. Autism is not funny. Bullying hurts people, so so much. Words cut like a whip. Even when not directed towards them, those careless comments can wound people more than you can ever imagine. The world is cruel enough. It needs Kindness. So I propose a new hashtag. One to use on Wattpad whenever you see someone making fun of these topics or bullying someone. Stand up and say that it’s not okay. Put a stop to it. #BeKind Copied from: @roseisle_03


@ChaosAndBooks As someone sad, that was beautiful. The world is a harsh place and, if I'm honest, there is no point going to another planet we've destroyed people's happiness in this one. So yeah, I agree with you.


@2ndGenerationPair Yes, that is very true. In India, there are old two-sentence poems called thirukkural. One of them is தீயினால் சுட்டபுண் உள்ளாறும் ஆறாதே  நாவினால் சுட்ட வடு. It means The wound caused by fire will heal, but the hurtful words said will not heal.


Hey! I read your Klance smut book and I absolutely love it!!! I was wondering if you still take requests though... if you do, would you mind a oneshot with a bunch of toys??? Dunno why I can’t get over those type of things.... thanks a bunch! :D