
I just read some of your books and really like them. They get a very.... Depressing and meaningful. I really like the way how you show this in your books it feels very touching if this was your intent you have done your job wel. Thank you.(Srry if i have writing this in a wrong way i wanted to compliment you)


@randomrobot I totally agree with you! I really like @randomgirl42 's writing pieces and I also really relate to them, which makes them also really meaningful to me :)


          it wasn't easy for me to overcome my depression, and unfortunately i still do get depressed sometimes. i'm sorry. i do not take any sort of meds simply because i'm 19 and where i live, health insurance only lasts until age 18. i have coped by daydreaming about happier situations, then overcoming a lot of my social anxiety in order to make new friends. most of my friends are online, but they are just as real as people i can see every day. and online friendship is great so long as you trust that other person and don't give out info like where you live or plan to meet up. by gaining a lot of new friends, i felt less lonely each day simply because i had more people to talk to, they became a replacement family for me. i felt like i had gotten new parents and siblings..... even though we all live thousands of miles away. i suggest your daughter try to branch out (on her own, please don't force her) to talk to more people. being isolated and feeling all alone is the worst root of depression