
Hello, i'm one of the readers of you story Tale of the MIRUs. I was planning to reread the story when i found out that i can't read it despite it being in my library. So i glitch(or is it bug?) myself to your profile through the story's info and i wanted to ask if it was discontinued and that's why you deleted it.


@StaryGamer9 i see, alright i understand. Hope you feel better soon and have a nice day as well.


            Firstly, let me apologize for not leaving any notes or announcements before hiding the fic.
            I haven’t deleted the story, but decided to hide it in my drafts for a while until things are settled down for me.
            Long story short, my parents found out I write fics. ;wheeze;
            And that was quite okay (although I did get scolded a bit), but since my family is of a religious background, well…they weren’t okay with the concept of transmigration. Since I’m not a minor they told me to make the choice myself (either continuing or dropping the story), but I don’t want to drop it since I’m really attached to it and I also promised to finish it. 
            But the fact they warned me so much about it is also giving me anxiety to the point I started having nightmares lately, so…idk? I’m still contemplating (and seeking for advice sobs ) :(
            I’ll probably publish it again, or at least write an announcement regarding it soon, but only when I’m emotionally better, with a note that I don’t believe in reincarnation blabla…I know it’s gonna sound very weird but it’s the only way I can feel okay with it 
            Thank you for reaching out, have a nice day 


Thanks for the follow!!! (≧▽≦)♡♡♡


@CaleHenituse_Simp np❤️
            Nice to meet you too!!! (つ≧▽≦)つ


@CaleHenituse_Simp you're welcome~♡ ty for following me as well!! 
            Nice to meet you (*ˊᵕˋ*)੭ ੈ