Hi! Just checking up on you, hope you’re doing well <3

@randomspazz I hope you’re able to work through everything! Unlovable has been a favorite of mine for a very long time, and I always check to see if there are new updates I’ve missed every couple of weeks. I sincerely hope you feel better soon and thank you for the work you put into this fic!

@randomspazz omg hi! It’s absolutely fine! I hope things are better now. We are here for you if you just want to vent out and talk about random things or just anything! Hoping for good things for you <3

@hunterandtheangel Hi! Sorry for not answering you for so long. Thanks for checking up on me, it means a lot. I'm still alive, which is something, I've just been extremely ill for the past three years. I had to quit my job and have basically been homebound. I struggle to do a lot of things, including writing, because of how sick I am, but I still think about Unlovable all the time and really want to finish it once my health gets better.