GUESS WHO'S BACK, BABY!! Well, kinda... If all goes according to plan, I will begin posting Shards and Shards updates on another platform. While Shards is being worked on, I will likely be on this other platform. Once (hopefully) Shards is completed, it may find it's way back over to Wattpad. I seriously can't believe it's been almost exactly 2 years since posting anything on Wattpad and nearly 3 years since updating Shards. But I guess time really flies when finishing your degree and hop-scotching across the globe... I will hopefully have more info soon! I'm so excited to get back to writing \^-^/ With much love <3 Kay~
@randomwordythings hi.. i tried to search it in the app vut i didn't find anything
@MeysBluel I'm so sorry for such a delay to respond T-T I'm rarely on Wattpad anymore. You can now find Shards on Royal Road ( royalroad.com )! There are currently less chapters there than on here because I'm revising the previous chapters