
hello, hi, howzit
          	I am back…..idk 


I might start doing more of these where I rant about an extinct species for 30 minutes.
          The Extinction of the Laysan Rail will go down as the most PREVENTABLE extinction of the 20th century. Although they became extinct in the 1920s a group of conservationists traveled to Laysan island to help the also extinct “Laysan Honeycreeper”, but they also acknowledged that the Laysan rail was in dire need and captured 11 laysan rails and released them onto Midway Atoll you can watch the video of the release here.
          During WWII the military took over Midway Atoll to use as a Military base some idiot decided to introduce Rabbits and Guinea pigs onto the Island which ate all the vegetation destroying the nesting grounds the rails once had. In 1943 Warships brought black rats to the island and killed off the rails destroying their eggs and eating their young.
          This again could’ve been easily prevented if we didn’t introduce Guinea pigs and Rabbits to Laysan and Midway Atoll


@SeraDrake tell me about it I can go on all day of extinctions caused by humans. We even lost a war to emus that’s just sad


@randyfowl - Homo sapiens does not seem to act sapient very often.


I’m pretty sure all the facts are true but some of them might be in the wrong years so if someone is in fact using this information, please do research!


Ok what is happening in my life…..I just wanted to share this….my brother who is a Christian believes more in the resurrection of Jesus than the holocaust…..honestly what the hell is wrong with him -_-|


@randyfowl - Shroud of Turin has been debunked as a fraud, and for that matter, the ontological proof of God's existence was debunked in the Middle Ages when Gaunilon penned his retort to St Anselm. The only person who gets it right re: belief is Kierkegaard, who acknowledges that faith is absurd and to believe requires a leap of faith, not logic or evidence. Oy. 
            None of this excuses holocaust drenialism or other forms of idiocy.


@SeraDrake his excuse is the Shroud of Turin. If you don’t know what that is it’s essentially a rag that possibly has the face of Jesus Christ on it, but I told him the earliest carbon dating date is around 1200 AD but he just said it’s not true. No proof no nothing just said it’s not true and moved on, and I’m truly sorry for the trauma your husband’s Great Aunt and Uncle had to endure.


@randyfowl - Oof. My husband had a great-aunt and great-uncle who escaped a round-up by locking the German soldiers who came to fetch them in their wine cellar. Something tells me that wouldn't convince your brother, though.