
ITS FINALLY HAPPENED!!!! the elixir has officially been completed and I am just over the moon right now. deathdancer will be published once I have finished the project, so I will not be very active on wattpad for a few months.


ITS FINALLY HAPPENED!!!! the elixir has officially been completed and I am just over the moon right now. deathdancer will be published once I have finished the project, so I will not be very active on wattpad for a few months.


ok, so as may comes to an end(finally I thought it never would!) I have been working hard on finishing the Elixir, which has been incredibly hard because of school, but also preparing for my summer project. And since it's the last week of may, here it comes!
          I don't have a title for this project but it's going to be full-on fantasy. Here's what I can tell you about it so far: I haven't gotten very far with the planning, because I'm doing a lot of research for it. It will be entirely South Asian based, because I have wanted to make a fantasy world based off of South Asian culture for SO DANG LONG! 
          It will be based off of mythological figures from India, known as apsaras. I won't be staying entirely true to the stories from the myths, but if you're curious to know more, go and search them up. but if I have to describe them in three words...
          deadly. gorgeous. dancers.
          enough said. 
          anyways, I'll be giving more updates as the elixir progresses and as my outlines for this unnamed project comes to life. 


hey everyone! it's been a while since I had an announcement~
          I'm thrilled to tell y'all two exciting developments: 
          1. I will be doing a rewrite of 10 Things I Didn't Know. It didn't fall exactly where I wanted it to, and with all that's been happening recently, I feel that I want to make it more realistic, more relatable, if that makes sense. I'm not exactly sure when I'll be starting it, but it's happening y'all!
          2. I've decided to start something new, something I haven't yet done. I'll be doing a summer project. Here's the deets: during the year, I'll be working on my novel projects seriously. But during summer, I'll be taking a three month break from whatever series/novel I'm working on at the moment, and just write something out of enjoyment. It will be a low-key sort of project, nothing too fancy, but I'm excited to try it out. Details about my 2021 project will come around the last week of may! 
          aah, I'm so excited I'm doing a little snoopy dance rn. No kidding.


hi everyone- quick announcement. I’ll be putting the Elixir on hold to finish another novel challenge this month. So I don’t think more chapters will be posted until May- ish. but good news- the book I’ll be starting for this competition will come to watt pad when I’m done so YAY!