/ here’s your spontaneous reminder that i love the herondale family —
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/ here’s your spontaneous reminder that i love the herondale family —
/ here’s your spontaneous reminder that i love the herondale family —
* clairy stood in their shared room in front of a mirror , she wore a new black satin dress that hugged the curves her body entailed . she sighed , she was supposed to meet jace for dinner but she was stalling . she didn’t even have to turn around to know he had entered the room * I know — Is it too much ? It’s fine I’ll change — * she blushed in utter embarrassment *
* at his thoughts she couldnt help but smile blushing furiously now , taking one last glance in the mirror clary turned to him * you’ve been waiting for me havent you * the girl looked down at the time * no , you look really good * she winked planting a small kiss on his cheek * now lead the way —
@clairyfairchildisms ; * it was perhaps overly obvious to most that clary was more than capable of taking jace’s breath away exactly the way that she was — paint - splattered jeans , converse , anime tees and messy red hair and short stature . clary was simply / clary / , and that was enough to short - circuit his brain as it was . but when she dressed up — he paused , swallowing thickly as his gaze scanned her languidly . * no . no , you look — * his voice was a bit hoarse , and he cleared his throat . * you look even much amazing than i do . * he winks at her , though his eyes are soft . *
/ oh , and feel free to join the group , almost every role is open and it's first - come , first - served . like a buffet . it's a buffet of characters . now go .
jace . i have a question and it's a very difficult question to answer , i understand this . . . but it's important . even though it's difficult .
baby-face blo — that is — that is / the / worst insult , thank you very much . and okay, yossarian is scary, you can't blame me. * he groans , rolling his eyes * / no / , i just — if there was / no / other way , i would've considered kissing you !
@dayliighters ; everything must be intimidating when you’re a baby - faced bloodsucker in this world . i’m sure you cower at the sight of your own cat . and / oh / ? so you’re admitting that you / would / have kissed me ? guess it is true what they say .
uh , okay , unfair ! isabelle is intimidating and i already kissed her once and i would have only agreed to kiss you if there was no other way ! and there / was / no other way ! so , like , yeah . jackass .
@dayliighters / leave me something gay to rp or i will duct tape your mouth for that
/ pour me smth tall and strong , make it a hurricane before i go insane ... its only half past twelve but i dont care ... it's five o' clock somewhere
hi , beanpole ! miss me ?
/ group officially restarted ! if looking to reclaim prior roles ,, please contact me . if interested in joining as a new member or different character ,, feel free to look through the lists !
/ getting this account active again !!
/ JEAN !
you disturb me .
@blindedmutt ; perhaps you lack a basic sense of humor . don't fret , we all have flaws .
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