Heyo! Nice to meet you, and thanks for the follow! Ooh, cross country? Oog, I tried that last year, and I nearly died! I stayed with it for three weeks, then ran (ironically) from the whole thing.
Me: "Uh, coach? Coach?"
Coach: "Yeah? What?"
Me: "OH! What's that over there?"
*runs away, screaming "My resignation!"*
But seriously, I admire anyone who can do cross country. I can sprint, but if long distances get involved.... Nope. I die. Seriously. I almost had an asthma attack!
And hey, that's great! Most people are too shy to be open about their religion. I'm not christian myself, but it's great that you're confident enough to be open about it!
Anyway, just thought I'd say thanks for the follow! I hope you enjoy my books, and have a fantabulasmical day!