
hey guys! 
          	sorry I've dropped off the face of the earth for the past two weeks. my life has been pretty hectic since the last time I've posted on here. naturally bc of anxiety, and just overthinking a lot of things. it doesn't have to do with me wanting to change my username lol even tho that was a headache (I ended up deciding not to change it bc this one is too special for me). but anyway, a lot of things have been going on in my life and it's made it hard for me to focus. I signed up to take the SATs in june, and it made me realize that real life is catching up with me. then I started to realize all the things I've wanted to do, the things I've promised, all the ideas I have, and everything that isn't finished. it got rlly overwhelming for me there for a minute- so I stepped away and took a deep breath so I could try to see things more clearly. it might sound crazy. but during the pandemic, all of my focus was here, on my stories. and thinking about how i won't always have time to write like I used to was hard for me to realize. again, it sounds crazy I know. ontop of all of that, I broke my phone and had to get a new one, been dealing with family drama, and other mental health issues, all that good stuff, etc. I'm doing better now tho! and on the bright side, I'm going to a 5sos concert in july so I'm freaking to out about that! but anyway, I'll be taking it slow on here for a little while, and keep my main focus on finishing 'one second' as it's my baby, and the most important story to me rn. I will also be posting some Lashton things since I actually finished a couple of one shots! 
          	but that's enough about me. how have you guys been? I hope you have been doing well while I've been gone, and I can't wait to be talking to you again! ily ♡ 


hi! dont worry about it, we completely understand <3 if you need to take a break or anything, dont worry about us. answering your question, ive been alright i guess! ty for asking ^^


hey guys! 
          sorry I've dropped off the face of the earth for the past two weeks. my life has been pretty hectic since the last time I've posted on here. naturally bc of anxiety, and just overthinking a lot of things. it doesn't have to do with me wanting to change my username lol even tho that was a headache (I ended up deciding not to change it bc this one is too special for me). but anyway, a lot of things have been going on in my life and it's made it hard for me to focus. I signed up to take the SATs in june, and it made me realize that real life is catching up with me. then I started to realize all the things I've wanted to do, the things I've promised, all the ideas I have, and everything that isn't finished. it got rlly overwhelming for me there for a minute- so I stepped away and took a deep breath so I could try to see things more clearly. it might sound crazy. but during the pandemic, all of my focus was here, on my stories. and thinking about how i won't always have time to write like I used to was hard for me to realize. again, it sounds crazy I know. ontop of all of that, I broke my phone and had to get a new one, been dealing with family drama, and other mental health issues, all that good stuff, etc. I'm doing better now tho! and on the bright side, I'm going to a 5sos concert in july so I'm freaking to out about that! but anyway, I'll be taking it slow on here for a little while, and keep my main focus on finishing 'one second' as it's my baby, and the most important story to me rn. I will also be posting some Lashton things since I actually finished a couple of one shots! 
          but that's enough about me. how have you guys been? I hope you have been doing well while I've been gone, and I can't wait to be talking to you again! ily ♡ 


hi! dont worry about it, we completely understand <3 if you need to take a break or anything, dont worry about us. answering your question, ive been alright i guess! ty for asking ^^


this message may be offensive
I got my lip pierced yesterday holy shit 


so excited!!


@SoTrueRarl it is!! I love it sm! it's healing right now, but I'll post a pic for you guys to see it soon ♡ 


omg but i bet it looks really cute


reminder! if anyone you are in a relationship with, a romantic partner, or a family member, says that they are going to off themself if you leave, or are 'defiant'- JUST LEAVE. the relationship is toxic, and this is a vice they use in an attempt to forever keep you at arm's length. they aren't going to do it, they just want to control you. so, for your safety, sanity, etc., LEAVE. staying is not worth the pain. 


@clovergay it's so important and I don't think enough people talk about it 


hey guys 
          I'm so sorry to delay my updates some more, but I'm having a hard time at home again. it's going to be just a bit longer before I can update anything because I haven't felt like writing. I'm really sorry again, but I'll be back soon. 


@SoTrueRarl tysm and ily2 ♡ 


don’t be sorry darling it’s okay!! we understand and hope everything gets better at home, just please don’t force yourself and take care of yourself


does anyone know how to make a binder with sports bras? I can't buy an actual binder rn and this is all I can do. so if anyone knows how I can do this pls let me know, I'll love you forever ♡ 


tysm!! I'm going to try it! 


@rarlspuddin stacking? I think that's the best and also big boxy clothes