
i just opened wattpad for the first time in a while and i'm honestly so touched! 
          	Thank you all for all the support you've given me all this time 
          	I'm sorry i'm not active on here anymore, i just have a lot going on and i really want to focus on not failing classes bcs i have a bad feeling i wont get accepted to uni T^T
          	but i really do plan coming back on here when i can and continue/ polish my books and maybe even make more :D
          	My journey here on wattpad has made me significantly more confident in my writing and i hope i can achieve my dream of becoming a novelist hahaha
          	also !!! please be careful during the coronavirus outbreak!!! don't hoard toilet paper and stay inside and stay safe !! if you don't take care of yourself i will physically go over there and smack and force you to stay healthy okay
          	always stay safe and hydrated, take time off social media if you need to and focus on yourself! and if you're ever feeling down you can always dm me !! i'll be there :D
          	again, stay safe during this outbreak and try to always stay inside! eat well and stay healthy !!!
          	sorry this was long 
          	i love you ❤️


Hi guys. This is my new story. It has an interesting plot and is updated regularly (without delay). Please give it a chance and don't think twice about giving feedback.
          https://www.wattpad.com/story/342015739 ?utm_source=android&utm_medium= link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page =story_details_button&wp_uname= godwishicandothat&wp_originator= |A44M87tfqD06KyCj9Nt7qqnPFu8wQtJ3QXL6A2 %2F%2BjLvig5NQcFbrJwkvnyvu8i8XD6XmVV %2BrCnfFoywCJNPecMcc6hmDtA6jYYjIsXd0z9W NZGmPHOTVs67GifLqS5q



Hey I REALLY REALLY REALLY want to finish HOUSEMATE but seems like ur in the process of editing since there was a drastic shift in chapters (mby u changed the story a little or w.e anyway ) I have it saved but I’m looking forward to finishing it when it’s been completely edited. I’d wait as long as u need but is there possibly a time estimate? If not that’s fine too I just wanna read without missing parts