Hai, I thought I’d jump on the topic of “Thrifting”. As a lot of u know going shopping at thrift stores has become a huge trend so I thought I’d give my two cents as a person who shops there regularly. Stop going please. If you have enough money to buy at first hand stores, go there. It’s not gatekeeping. But as a person who’s always gotten clothes there and rarely or never been shopping for clothes first hand it hurts that you treat it like an attraction. When I was growing up it was always seen a gross and weird but now all the sudden it’s cute and trendy. But more specifically I was always trying to look for good clothes that made me feel like I was looking good but it was really hard. And especially now I see all these rich people taking the only good items there is and people who go there because it’s their only option are left with the off brand, old, stained clothes. At least be considerate. Please. But if you do go, I better not see you judging anyone with not so pretty clothes.