this message may be offensive
"Haruto is a cute and innocent boy. However, you should never let his looks fool you....The down side is to being born a boy, is that his mom wanted a girl, so he's forced to dress and act like a female.....What will happen when the 11 year old boy attands school, makes friends with the females and ends up making the guys crush on him? Read to find out!" What kinda boo boo achoo shit is this bitch- girl seriously what the FUCK is up with your obsession of yaoi and submissive femme males!?!!?!? Ur fucking 18 STOP being FUCKING CREEPY,,, you are a CISHET fucking WOMAN that is fending over a gay fetish fuel and i'm- Not to mention the fact that you claim your character is 11!!!!! FUCKING YEARS OLD. YOU ARE SHIPPING M I N O R S ! ! ! ! !! ! WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?! no wonder you claim you have no friends, this shit is WACK!!!! You disgust me bro lmao,, Gay fetish + cross dressing minor fetish + illegal relationships? Can't relate. **p.s. If you're gonna write about this creepy shit, at least spell "attends" right lmao.