
Why are y’all still reading my shitty fanfics. Like they’re not even that good.


@UrbanDruggie I’m 18 and have a learning disability and I hate Twilight. And I’m putting my own work down,  not other people’s. So idk why you’re telling me to stfu when I’m not bashing on other people writing, I’m bashing on my own???


you’re probably 14 and thing you have a high reading level because you like twilight. stfu and dont put peoples work down because you’re insecure 


@rat_with_a_bat the people reading them are most likely 13 and under, they don't know what's good and what isn't yet.


Why are y’all still reading my shitty fanfics. Like they’re not even that good.


@UrbanDruggie I’m 18 and have a learning disability and I hate Twilight. And I’m putting my own work down,  not other people’s. So idk why you’re telling me to stfu when I’m not bashing on other people writing, I’m bashing on my own???


you’re probably 14 and thing you have a high reading level because you like twilight. stfu and dont put peoples work down because you’re insecure 


@rat_with_a_bat the people reading them are most likely 13 and under, they don't know what's good and what isn't yet.


          I got wattpad on my tablet so now I can talk to you again a little bit more often than before!!!! Because I still have no internet lol. But it's be great to hear from you again! I'd love to catch up. Message me or respond here, idrc. But know I am not online a lot, again I don't have internet I'm at my gmas rn.
          -Elijah (in case yous forgot or somethings)


Being Trans is Like... 
          Being trans is like being allergic to bee stings. Whenever you get called the wrong pronoun or the wrong name, wear the wrong thing or your voice starts acting up, it’s a bee sting. Sometimes you just get an itch, sometimes a rash, and sometimes your throat starts closing up and you can’t breath. You could theoretically continue to live like that your whole life, but it would be a horrible life filled with pain and near death experiences. Then, one day, someone offers a way out. A shot to get rid of or lesson the allergy, which in this case, it would be transitioning. The only way to stop the allergic reactions, dysphoria, would be to take the shot, transitioning.