apa yang bakal kamu lakuin kalo ternyata yang tinggal di sebelah apartemenmu itu sang musuh abadi? D:
Hai kak!
Mampir ke cerita ini yuk?
Judulnya 'Next Door'
Huang Renjun as main cast, ada anak nct dream yang lain juga :3
Dibaca dikit dulu aja kak, siapa tau nyantol
Atau tonton trailernya dulu juga boleh :3
Makasi sebelumnyaa ❤❤
Hello Naila,
I kindly wanted to say that I like your works, especially the high school thing one that has a lot of celebrities in it. I... just... wanted... to... say... that... Michael is my spirit animal.
Thank you for your attention.
@kenetijamesapa Hello Tya,
I kindly wanted to say that your message completely useless and you better go dive in the deep bermuda triangle cause you waste my precious 5 seconds in my life.
Thank me for read your message.