SO IT'S BEEN AWHILE. My bad. But a lot of things have happened to me since I last came on that I wanted to tell you all about. Before we start, I gained a bunch of followers despite my inactivity, so hi! Thank you for the follow!
Firstly, I should tell you, I'm moving! This is the main reason why I haven't been on here. Back in April, I got laid off due to COVID-19 so I used it as an opportunity to get a job in California, which is where I've been dreaming of going for the last few years. My nephews live in San Diego and my boyfriend lives in LA, so it's just a perfect place for me to be. I got the job in LA so I'll be moving next month! Ever since I've been interviewing, things have been so crazy that I barely got to write. I'm trying to focus on packing up all my belongings/selling things and basic moving stuff that takes up a lot of energy on top of working from home at my new job.
Secondly, I got into screenwriting. I've always been interested in it but I checked out a couple of Skillshare classes on it and honestly...I fell in love. It's so much fun lol and it's different to writing novels! So it helps break it up, especially when I feel like I'm in a rut writing novels, which has happened a lot these past few years.
Which brings me to my last point, I think I'm going to shelve A World That Calls for Me. Since I began my screenwriting journey, I realized it might be better as a script rather than a novel, because it's such a visual piece of work. The Bengali culture I showcase would be done more justice that way. I won't take it off of here just yet until I know for sure that's what I want to do, but just a heads up in case that happens.
I may or may not have another idea I might turn into my second (published) novel. I won't announce anything about it just yet but hopefully it'll do something for me and I can begin posting it on here.
Otherwise, I hope you're all doing well and staying safe during COVID! Anyone else have exciting news to share?