In this world no one truly loves anyone and let us be real it's the bitter truth about this reality. Parents are supposed to love their kids unconditionally no matter what but in reality it all just depends on our performance. They show us love only if we are of some use to them. Parents expect us to be perfect at everything only so that they can flaunt us in front of their friends. We might think that at least we have friends but let me tell you one thing, everyone around you are just living beings relying on each other for survival in this society. There is no such thing called love, it's either lust or merely two living beings relying on each other to ensure that they aren't alone. Love is just a petty name used by confused irrational people. This thing humans refer to as "love" is nothing but a lie. You are all alone in this vast world left to deal with all these hardships all alone. Don't get attached to anything in this cold blunt world because if you did, it would stab you in return. There is nothing we can do about anything and I can't help but wonder if the one who created us is taking pleasure in witnessing us dealing with all these difficulties. People may tell you in the future that they can't live without you and that you are irreplaceable but humans continue living without facing any difficulty in a certain interval of time. Falsehood is just something that comes naturally to humanity and then later it's given a new name which we commonly know as “love”. Love is nothing but a lie and there is not much we can do about it moreover there is nothing we can do about it. These lies are used to captivate people and people tend to get captivated upon hearing these filthy lies, it's just the general human nature and that's reality.