
Fallen almost has 13k words :) I'm so excited to bring this story to public! 
          	Love y'all! 


Does anyone else struggle to write even a sentence now? :( 


of course! i do all the time girl. if i just don’t feel like writing i trying to do something that normally put me into a mood to write like reading back over things i’ve wrote and or reading. it eighty percent of the time gets me back in the mood…then the other twenty percent i just wait for it to come back naturally and nine times out of ten I come back stronger if i let the urge to write come back ❤️


Even when having trouble with sentence building, never forget to look around you. Go outside and look around nature. Pull from your environment wherever you are and ideas will come. 


@ravenjots Yes, it's been forever since I have sat down an actually wrote anything. Even though I still have ideas. I've just been blaming it on life getting the the way but when that happens, you can always slide some of life to the side to make room for writing. Especially if writing is your passion. 


Hey lovelies <33 
          I've been having a stressful time with doubting my writing and plus mental health problems, I'm sorry for the inactive behavior. I hope y'all are having a wonderful day/night <33 
          And for anyone who has read FM, it'll be worked on soon but I wish to edit it more. 


I hope you get well soon