
[ :: ] also for your reference mathias is 14 and very small for his age 


i don't care if you're a kid .  you need to be put down .


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i believe that you don't want to kill anyone .  you chose a deer over me .  .  .  *  gaze once again flicked to the blood splattered trees ,  before returning to the boy when he spoke once again *  luna .  my name is luna redwood .  and ,  no .  i won't kill yoh .  i .  .  .  don't think i can ,  as long as you promise to only eat animals or anything NOT human .  * she joked quietly ,  hoping to lift the gloomy mood *  i .  .  .  i have some food .  back at my cabin .  you can uh -  you can come with me ,  if you want .


@WINTERSHUNT                   * he murmured contentedly at her touch , peering up at her with seemingly glassy orbs the color of storm clouds  , before offering her a toothy grin arms slowly wrapping around her waist in a hug , his supernatural strength making him squeeze a little to hard before he released her * i told you i dont want to hurt anyone.. i just wanted to eat.. they beat me and starved me for weeks . . I- im Mathias , and you ? A-are you going to kill me now ? * he whispered , fear creeping into his boyish tone , his eyes finding the snowy ground to be very interesting * 


*  the pained cries of the doe made luna turn her head ,  eyes squeezing shut as if to block out the gruesome sound of flesh splitting from bone with a sickening squelch *  no ,  no .  you '  refine .  *  her voice was a near murmur ,  the girl too fascinated by the boy -  only a few minutes prior had she been content to blow his brains all over the forest ,  and now she was letting the touch -  starved child rub all over her .  but .  .  .  it reminded her of her little sister .  so she let her hands fall on her shoulder in what she hoped was a semi -  comforting manner ,  the shotgun having been tucked into the holster on her belt *  you .  .  .  how are you so human ?  both in looks and act ?  no one '  s ever been able to deny the cannibalistic spirit .  .  .


;   MBV  X  INFINITY  !! 


;   sooooo  precious  !  :'))


@inferix    [ :: ] he’s precious alright  :,) 


;   i'm  so  sorry  ,   /  not  /  sorry  —  but  i  already  love  him  so  much  !! 