- so there’s this guy. He’s one of the managers at my job.
- I now work with my sister so she of course knew him first and had a crush on him for a while (even though she has a bf— red flag but okay whatever). At first I thought he didn’t like me because he never really talked to me or approached me like all the other managers.
- But over the past few months, him and I have gotten closer (friend wise) like he’s literally one of my best friends and he’s easy to talk to and open up to. And he says and does things that are not very much “friend” like.
- and we (me, him and her) were in his car after work, just talking and playing games and he was asking who on the work crew would I date and I named like two ppl and my sister asked him and he looked at me and smiled.
- ANYWAY I think I’m catching feelings but I can’t tell my sister bc she liked him first (girl code is a bi*ch) and I can’t tell him bc he’s a manager and I don’t want to make things weird especially if we can’t even be together. Plus he just got out of a relationship.
- but like WHAT DO I DO??!
- I try to distance myself from him bc ik how I am but he always notices and pulls harder. AND THE EYE CONTACT!!! (You would think we were already together omgg)