
Quando non avete niente di meglio da fare date un’occhiata al mio profilo, troverete Youngblood. L’ho scritta e finita ormai da tempo, quindi posso aggiornarla ogni giorno. Ho usato come prestavolto i 5sos ma non è necessario essere loro fan per leggerla. 
          Ho finalmente trovato il coraggio di postarla dopo mesi e mi piacerebbe tanto condividerla con voi. 


Hello! I'm the author of "High-School getaway" I just wanted to thank you for adding my book to your library it really means a lot to me! I have some other books out so if you would like to check those out you can and thank you so much for reading this! Also know that I'll always be here so don't worry I'm only a DM away  


Hello! I'm the author of "High-School getaway" I just wanted to thank you for adding my book to your library it really means a lot to me! I have some other books out so if you would like to check those out you can and thank you so much for reading this! Also know that I'll always be here so don't worry I'm only a DM away