Okay guys, we all know Dan is close to 2 million and I don't know if its just me but personally I think Phil feels a bit unappreciated because he's worked so hard and to be honest, I'm surprised he isn't getting a million every week! Justin bieber can say simple stuff like 'I love my fans' and be called the most inspirational idol EVER so why is it tht Phil gives his fans massive hugs and refuse to let them go, call people beautiful all the time, tell his audience to never forget he loves them, host a show about changing people's lives for the better, beg people not to spend money on him, spend most of his life replying to fans, check up on fans who are/were suicidal, take part in charities and get no publicities for it, be the sweetest guy on earth and still be called awful things like 'ugly' and 'useless' and so much more! That's just not right... Back to the point. On August 12th 2013, everyone on Instagram put up a photo of them holding a sign that says something to do with Phil and hashtag #phillesterweloveyou on the ig photos and try to trend it on Twitter. And also write 'Phillion' on your wrist for the day.
Okay let's make this happen!