RAYEGUNER is d-e-a-d, this is not a sort of prank or something. C&B #2 will be on hold. Reading your comments from her stories really makes me wanna cry. We appreciate your anticipations in every updates, but it's sad to say that we're not going to have rayeguner's new stories anymore.
An author who writes about others' story and put a lot of effort on it is cannot be forgotten easily. She who makes us laugh, cry, mad, etc. She even completed our Christmas and New Year. Congressman and Beauty will never be the same like before, now that she is gone, the girl who wrote it, the girl who made us read those wonderful stories. SHE IS GONE.
"It's not the same as it was."
We respect her privacy. Please avoid asking personal questions related to her life and death.
P.S. This account is still alive, sadly, only the account, and will do an update. But take note that all of incoming updates here are written by rayeguner before she passed away.
Good evening to all and I apologize for this news/announcement.