thank u for understanding where i am coming from . recently there is a movie called animal which got negative comments for its mysogynistic vies on women, but the diractor says its my movie i will present the way i want. similarly happened here with that story also, but for a movie we can raise the negative points, but for this novel we cant raise questions? how is that fair. we say movies influence people and how many people haven't adopted the toxic values of that male character who says i am alloowed to sleep with women but u cant,? u say its a fantacy novel but the incidents, aren't they closer to reality? well if they can judge sneha for her obsessive nature , then why cant we judge for kabir's playboy nature, and his mother she has a problem with marrying her son who is a widower himself to another widow but has no problem not correcting his playboynature whatsoever, why?if a woman is judged based on character both body and mind then why cant it be same for a man? we are not ok with a woman having multiple replations with men and call her loose character, then why cant it be same for a man. sneha trapped kabir because her obsessive love , then didnt kabir married forcefully niyati by balckmailing with aditya saying he would take her away? so one's force called obsession and another's force is called love? he is okay judging snaeha which he rightfully should, but he is not okay to be judged by niya for being a playboy, and on the top of it he tell her i never forced any woman to sleep with him, but he himself wanted to sleep with many women , but if niyati does that he questions her character as cheap. why the doublle standards? thats i wanted to ask the author, but seems like she didnt want to justify my question,