
Back again with a new collection of poetry, this was particularly difficult for me to write seeing as how I don't usually dive deep into classical forms of verse, much rather preferring to go all "free-form" with it...
          	But it was still quite a cathartic experience, getting to explore myself more complexly and abiding by a more "textbook" set of poetic rules...
          	So yeah, here's my quaint little book of sonnets written in varying formats... be it Shakespearean, Spenserian, or my own blend of rhyme schemes... Let me know which ones are your favourite...


Back again with a new collection of poetry, this was particularly difficult for me to write seeing as how I don't usually dive deep into classical forms of verse, much rather preferring to go all "free-form" with it...
          But it was still quite a cathartic experience, getting to explore myself more complexly and abiding by a more "textbook" set of poetic rules...
          So yeah, here's my quaint little book of sonnets written in varying formats... be it Shakespearean, Spenserian, or my own blend of rhyme schemes... Let me know which ones are your favourite...


Okay so...
          I haven't been able to put pen to paper in a while. I've been so caught up with my own state of being lately (And by "lately" I mean the past few months) that I've felt distant from not only everyone and everything around me, but myself as well...
          Just can't seem to get a grip, and that's got me lying awake at night for hours on end...
          Pondering, and what not...
          And in those moments; those quiet and wistful instances of "super perception", I find myself wishing that the night would last forever. Just so I could have all the time in the world to come to terms with that which is, and that which is not...
          And so this next project of mine; which is really only a part of something larger and more wholsome, borne by what sometimes feels like an eternity of nights spent dreaming of the possible and impossible, serves as a metaphor for the various abstract experiences I've encountered (And might still be dealing with) in my mind...
          So yeah...


Thank you so much for the follow ❤


Thank you so much for your kind words❤
            Id love to check out your work (:


Hey, I really admire your work...
            It's so raw and personal, you know...?
            People aren't usually courageous enough to do that sort of thing. You posses genuine poetic qualities and I really like that. I'm actually doing a little writing myself.