Alright fellas, it's me, the "friend" as reaNishima-san mentioned Well, honestly, the retirement of hers was something she had been contemplating since a long while, but at the same time, it's understandable how hard it is to let go of something you've built by years of hardwork and dedication. I deleted her previous announcement, after her permission of course, to let you all know what will happen to this account. Honestly, reaNishima-san needs a break due to unfortunate circumstances that life fucks us all up with. But she also didn't want to keep her followers waiting for so long. That's where I come in. Hello to me and hello to you all, I'm her personal manager, in a way. And while she's on break, I'll be the one managing the account, like she said. Once she feels better, healed, from whatever she's going through, I'll hand this baby back to her. Consider it babysitting, alright? Until then, you'll have to tolerate me for a bit, Thanks. reaNishima-san wishes you all a great life ahead, and a thanks for all your support to her throughout the years. I, personally, hope that you all wish for her well-being as well, while I take care of her dear baby and her followers. Thank you!
@ reaNishimia I'll remain respectful of her decisions, and as such a Welcome to you is in order to say. Hello! Welcome and thank you for taking care of the account while reaNishima-san takes her well deserved break ❤️❤️ (It took my brainpower to make the message seem genuine and not sarcastic or mean In advance I'm sorry if at anything moment I sounded mean-)
@reaNishimia there are instances where people can be a bit indecisive at times, but that's the very part of being human, so no judging, alright?