Hey everybody, my name is Anne-Catherine but everybody calls me anca. I'm a little person but 'nice but small' in Dutch you say ' fijn maar klein' it sounds a lot better than. Yes I speak Dutch because I'm from Belgium! That little country next to France. Because we have to learn French in Belgium I can also speak French... okay I can't, I suck in it!
My life Is pretty normal, it is not boring but just like the most people I think. I have two older brothers who are pretty amazing but they will never hear me say that.
Random fact, I want to be a twin! But I'm not. So yeah god for not making two of me, yes that was sarcastic. I'm a sarcastic person but I'm quitting it * thumps up * who am I kidding, like hell i would. In my free time, and nobody is home, I like to dance in the living. If you haven't done it try it. The other thing I do is writing. That is a shock right I know, I even shocked myself with it because I have dyslexia. I think my parents did something wrong while making me. I'm also on the scouts. A girl scouts to be exact. Single person typing this. ALL THE SINGLE LADY'S ALL THE SINGLE LADY'S, NOW GET YOU HANDS UP! Does anyone thinks about the song as well If a girls says ' I'm single'? I believe in love is love but I have always fallen in love with boys. My favourite band is Nickelback! They are epic, I like bands more than solo artist I don't know why... well moving on, I am a horrible singer, I truly suck at singing! But love to sing, who doesn't sing in the shower? I play the flute and piano, but my musical skills aren't that good. I probably have talents like everyone but I just have to find them. When I do, I will let you know.

lots of love
  • xoxo
  • JoinedDecember 26, 2011

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read_it_or_shut_up read_it_or_shut_up Jun 05, 2014 03:03PM
let is go with the wind, so you can catch it again when you are ready
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