Hi! Just an update since some people have been wondering: I am in fact still alive. I've just been way too busy/unmotivated to write for a bit plus Wattpad's been having some security troubles so I didn't think it was a super safe place to keep my books up on (I took 'em down). I am still writing though, just mostly working on entering different little writing contests and stuff. But I have absolutely adored my time on Wattpad and will probably end up coming back at some point, everyone on here has been so kind and people I truly consider friends, so endless thanks for all the support. Love y'all :)
You’ve been writing a lot lately and you might just need a break to refill the creative well. Hope you come back soon though because I want to find out what happens to Itzel...
I agree with you, wattpad is not the same anymore. Keep writing Brooke. Lots of love ❤